Recently I was nominated for the Encouraging Thunder Award by two amazing women, who are pretty darn inspirational themselves!

neveradullbling shares her incredible journey getting into running. Check her posts out! Her running is coming along so great and she has some awesome song suggestions along the way too!

Slipper Strides is another amazing runner girl on her way to the same race I’m heading to in February! Her first one ever! (We should totally have a meet up btw!!)

It means a lot to me that I was nominated for this award. There are a lot of things I could describe myself as but inspirational has never been one I would come up with. You both inspire me so much as well. I love reading how your journey in the running world is going and can’t wait to see where all this takes you! Personally, running is the last thing on this earth I ever thought I would do. I’ve always been active. I was a majorette and tennis player in high school but being an outpatient therapist, I spend so much of my time sitting (and for a while, eating fast food). Running was, at first, the cheapest (haha, right…cheap…) way to get those couple inches off for my wedding dress and make my clients stop asking me if I was pregnant. Apparently, when i do gain weight it all goes to the belly. It has quickly become a way of life and my sanity. I run when work or life in general is hard. Running and the friends it has given me along the way (counting all of you wonderful wordpress friends) has helped me get through rough patches that I have had. So many of you inspire me that I honestly don’t know where to start with my nominations!

Really Not A Runner your blog says you aren’t a runner but I don’t see it that way! You work so hard and push through all the obstacles you come across. You, my dear, are definitely a runner! Welcome to our crazy clan. I love reading your posts. Keep them coming and keep doing the hard work you have been!

Princess In Training I love reading your posts about the new places you are running and your tip about the aloe vera juice has truly been a life saver! I love seeing the pictures from the places you get to visit and I look up to you. One day I hope to be able to say my pace wasn’t my best and still be logging single digits!

BritsRunDisney I know you guys have already been tagged with this one too. I wanted to go ahead an acknowledge you anyway. I love reading your posts and seeing how great the two of you do on your running adventures!

everythingandnothing You have inspired me on two levels. Getting healthy and beauty! I have not always been super handy with the make up brush but your posts have encouraged me to find some fun in it again. Your journey with fitness you recently shared was truly inspiring too!

Pudgy Princess I have been honored to know that I was your first follower! I love reading about how you conquer your newest challenge. (Those stairs are no freaking joke!) You are doing amazing and I seriously can’t wait for you to get the Princess Weekend in 2017!

Amber I know it’s been rough lately with the injury and everything but you are still so amazing! You have been so determined and persevered throughout your whole process so far. You have really committed to what you are doing and I am so proud of what you accomplished so far!

Honestly these are just a few of the people who have inspired me. It’s been great having this blogging community to share with!

Here are the rules of the award (which I borrowed from Neveradullbling and Slipper Strides):

What you can do with this award:
•Post it on your blog
•Grant other bloggers the award

What you can’t do with this award:
•Abuse or misuse the logo
•Claim that it is your logo

What should I do after receiving the award?
•Enjoy it!
•Give thanks via comments and likes and mention the person nominating you
•Mention your purpose in blogging or joining the social media